
Content of this website is the sole property of Barbara King.  Copyright Barbara King

This website contains a sample of currently available works.  If you would like further details of any item please email.

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Shadow Patterns are the result of projecting various light sources onto plants, chosen for the quality of their foliage, to create interesting shadows against different coloured or textured backdrops.  From the many rings of torchlight used in ‘Moonshadow’ to the soft uplight provided by a lampshade in ‘Lit from Below’ the direction and intensity of the projected light can create an infinite variety of shapes and strengths of shadow. In these paintings the shadow is the focus of the painting and the source object is peripheral - a reference only to the pattern presented.

Paintings on this page:

Spotlight on Cordyline; Lit from below; Venetian Blue; Shadows of Dragon Tree; Overshadowed; Moonshadows.

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